Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Opening Post: The numbers, the plan, the research.

About seven months ago, I took the initial physical for entrance into the United States Navy.  Standing at about six feet tall, I weighed in at 214 pounds.  I was roughly 18 pounds overweight for someone of my height to enter into the service.  Fat people be damned, you don't stand a chance of getting in unless you have some kind of weight control.  So, at that point, I had roughly three months to burn off 20 pounds to slip in under the the required weight of 196 pounds. I managed to pull this off and dropped down to 191 poudns, but it was through a means that wasn't exactly enjoyable by cutting out pretty much everything that I enjoyed.

Now, the story is well documented that the Navy didn't pan out, and I'm, for the most part, at peace with that.  However, I have let myself get back to my old ways and snacking terribly as well as drinking soda (or pop, whatever your region of the country calls it) again.  Of course, I've put some of the weight back on and I want to stop this.  With a new job in full swing and me moving into my own place, I'm setting some goals for myself daily.  I do not have a particular weight loss goal, other than I want to shed some weight.

So we're going to start out with the basics:  The primary way I have been told to eliminate weight and burn my own fat for energy is to limit my carb intake as well as calories.  According to most websites that I have come across, a thirty year old man (pains me to say that number...) of my size at rest will burn 2500 calories in an average day.  While I don't believe in the belief that all you have to do is create a calorie deficit, I'm going to do that anyways.  Following the rules of the documentary "Fat Head" which you should watch for a sobering truth on weight loss, here's what I'm going to do.

1)  I will limit my daily intake to 2000 calories
2)  I will limit my daily intake to 100 grams of carbs.
3)  I will exercise in some way, shape, or form, three to five times a week.
4)  I will eat three meals a day.
5)  I will attempt to drink my weight (in ounces) in water per day.
6)  I will not consume any beverage with high fructose corn syrup.
7)  I will eat dinner in my own home (not fast food)

Now, I still end up eating fast food most days.  In this new job, it's practically unavoidable, so instead of just loading up on the worst thing possible, I will be smarter in my choices when it comes to ordering these things.  I will also limit my snacking by taking advantage of "carb smart" snacks.

One thing I've noticed in most every fast food place is that your carb intake comes from side dishes, such as french fries at just about every single place you go to (McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's) no matter the fast food place.  I can limit this by not going to these places, but that's also a bit tough.

Something that may be impossible to limit is my sodium intake, which is why drinking water is going to be the contingency plan, as well as avoiding soda, or at least drinking things like Coke Zero that does not turn to high fructose corn syrup.

So, tomorrow, I will start this plan.  We'll see how it goes.